The Sheppey Pirates Website


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The Scurvy Swabs The Sheppey Pirates crew details
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Charter The Sheppey Pirates' charter and regulations
Armoury The Sheppey Pirates' armoury
Booty & plunder The Sheppey Pirates's booty & plunder seized
Galleria The Sheppey Pirates' gallery
Raids-a-planning Raids the Sheppey Pirates are planning
Shipmates The Sheppey Pirates' shipmates
Hiring the crew How to hire the Sheppey Pirates
Pirate Weddings Pirate Weddings
Pirate chat Sheppey Pirates on Facebook

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Avast there ya scurvy landlubbers! This here be the laire of the Sheppey Pirates.

Action from a recent pirate event
The cannon crew in action

We be as fearsome a bunch of ne'er-do-wells, rogues and cut-throats as ye be likely to find this side of Tortuga or Port Royal.

We have gathered all knowledge that we think ye be needing to know about us and have split this knowledge up into many sections that be listed to yon port.

If ye do be daring to seek knowledge about us then open the scrolls to be headin' to the port indicated.

If yer be havin' trouble navigatin' yerself round this port then set yer course for "Navigation" where we be explainin' all the destinations in this port.

But make your first port 'o call the Ye Towne Crier page where we be posting the latest news of our capers including news about our forthcoming World Walking the Plank Championships.

As we be warnin' yer at the beginnin' of this page, we be a fearsome bunch of sea dogs so be dockin' at the berths in this port at yer peril.

Ye have been warned!





Skull image This site designed by the Sheppey Pirates 2005-2013